The Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with CSI Student Chapter, AAA College of Engineering And Technology, Sivakasi, inaugurated its “Association” and conducted a guest lecture on “Fundamentals of UI&UX” on 04.09.2024 @ 10.00 am at Sir Visvesvaraya Seminar Hall, Cambridge Block. The program started with Tamil Thai Vazhthu and lighting the Kuthuvilaku. Welcome address note delivered by Ms.S.Afrin Mufeena from III year CSE. Dr.J.Hemalatha, Prof & Head of the department announced the Executive Members of the association and its plan for the academic year 2024-2024. Cheif guest introduction delivered by Mr.N.Hariharan from IV year CSE. Dr.J.Hemalatha, Head of the department honored the chief guest Mr. Ajay Veeriah, Principal UX Designer, West Pharmacetical Services. The chief guest has given lecture to the students about the Fundamentals of User Interface design analysis process along with the practical session. He motivated all the students by given group activity by idea sharing and suggestions . Ms.D.Vishwapriya from IV year CSE delivered the vote of thanks. Finally, the Programme was ended with National Anthem. The programme was well organized by Dr.J.Hemalatha, Prof & Head of the department computer science and engineering, Faculty Coordinators Dr. P.Senthil Pandian ASP/CSE and Mrs.S.Rajeswari AP/CSE, and Student Coordinators Mr.N.Hariharan (IV CSE) – Secretaty, CSE Association, Ms.D.Vishwapriya (IV CSE ) – Joint Secretaty, CSE Association.